
In the modern world, it is the consumer that is a key link influencing companies, brands, new product developments and services. Consumer research is a repository of knowledge. That is why it is so important to focus on good understanding of the consumer, their world and a discovery of valuable insights.

Badania rynkowe konsument
Badania rynkowe konsument

In the modern world, it is the consumer that is a key link influencing companies, brands, new product developments and services. Consumer research is a repository of knowledge. That is why it is so important to focus on good understanding of the consumer, their world and a discovery of valuable insights.

n the modern world, it is the consumer that is a key link influencing companies, brands, new product developments and services. Consumer research is a repository of knowledge. That is why it is so important to focus on good understanding of the consumer, their world and a discovery of valuable insights.

In consumer research we use both qualitative and quantitative methods, such as: Insightment – searching for and generating the most attractive insights with the biggest market potential and Usage & Attitude – which shows consumer habits and behavior patterns, which are an extremely valuable piece of knowledge — a relation between brand/product and its consumers in the market environment.

The consumer is the key element influencing company’s/brand’s development strategy. By focusing on recognizing its consumers, a company can easily evaluate its own market position and potential for market success of products or services.

What does consumer research offer?

  • Recognition and understanding of buying habits and consumer behavior
  • Discovering of valuable insights, unmet needs
  • Validation of buying motives and decision processes
  • Recognizing consumer expectations towards products or services
  • Evaluation of a company’s offer awareness level
  • Consumer loyalty level

Selected scope of our work:

  • Ethnography
  • Insight evaluation, insight workshops
  • U&A, consumer habits and attitude study
  • Understanding of consumer needs, expectations, desires

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