Customer service level and satisfaction research analysis and dimensioning
Customer service and standard level research at Customer Service Centers – telecommunication sector, financial sector, other; event dimensioning, service automation processes’ evaluation, satisfaction level research (NPS, CSI).
Customer service and standard level research at Customer Service Centers – telecommunication sector, financial sector, other; event dimensioning, service automation processes’ evaluation, satisfaction level research (NPS, CSI).
At Customer Service Point we mainly check quality levels and service standards. We focus on level of realization of Customer Service Standards, which is a set of rules and guidelines that employees of Customer Service Department should follow. We evaluate what is the level of meeting these standards in daily work.
Service level satisfaction researches are performed based on well-known and proven methods such as: mystery shopping, but also our in-house developed methods, which are valued by our Clients.
Mystery shopping study does not evaluate opinions or declarations concerning hypothetical situations. It reflects real situations and real customer experiences from chosen point of sales. On contrary to satisfaction level studies, which focus on subjective judgment and feelings, Mystery Shopping is fully objective method evaluating customer service process.
This objectivity is a result of relevant defining of questionnaire used in the research. There is no much space left to Mystery Shoppers for their subjective interpretation of described events.
On the other hand our in-house methods measure processes and events at Point of Sales. They combine sales persons audit (Customer Service Point workplace audit from whole working day) with exit polls data (traffic level at Customer service Point during whole working day).
Inherent element of service level researches is customer satisfaction studies, which are primary tools for building long-term relationship between company and customer. In Atena Research & Consulting we use both quantitative technics of survey methods (NPS, satisfaction level factor – Customer Satisfaction Index), loyalty matrix (improvement matrix, quadrant analysis) and qualitative research tools (mirror analysis).
Exemplary scope of our work:
- Customer service level – Mystery Shopping
- Customer Service Point events’ analysis and dimensioning:
- Time dimensioning for particular activity / process at Point of Sale
- Before and After comparison of selected processes’ time
- Recommendations regarding timetable improvements and optimization
- Traffic check at POS/CSP
- Sales and service processes optimization
- Product / Service level satisfaction
- Declaratory and objective satisfaction measurement – carving-out particular factor’s sole influence on satisfaction level. Indication of factors contributing to highest satisfaction level from product/service and factors which need improvement (importance of different indicators) – CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index), loyalty matrix, improvements matrix, quadrant analysis, NPS.
- Defining reasons for resignation from product / service
- Complaint, applications, return information analysis
- Online opinions analysis – Internet forums, social media, etc.