Service design
Service design, design thinking, new product development, innovation implementation, User Experience improvement and adjustment to market needs.
Service design, design thinking, new product development, innovation implementation, User Experience improvement and adjustment to market needs.
Launch of new services is all about designing an innovation or improving existing services’ utilities to better meet market needs. Why is this so important? That’s simple – only services fully meeting consumer needs will be accepted on the market by its users.
During the service design process we use different methods with an emphasis on Design Thinking. It is an up-to-date method supporting creation of innovative products and services. It’s based on a thorough analysis, thorough understanding of the problem and finding an answer to consumer needs. Deep consumer understanding, generating ideas, building simple prototypes and testing them with potential users are key elements of this method.
Main ideas of Design Thinking are:
- Focus on users and understanding of their needs
- Multi-perspective approach to the problem
- Frequent experiments, prototyping, hypothesis check
Other areas of our work in Service Design are:
- New Product Development (NPD) – comprehensive NPD research before market launch. Holistic research process based on our in-house methodologies developed over many years of experience including: workshops, wide market exploration (consumers, key opinion leaders, trendsetters), concepts and creative concepts evaluation, NPD potential with strong USP
- User Experience (UX) – testing, development and designing, portals, applications, web pages, products and services prototypes check.
- Optimization analysis – TURF analysis and Penalty analysis.